It isn't good enough to out-think the competition. You have to out-perform them, too.
This is exactly what our approach to track maintenance helps you do. Railroad Solutions positions you for efficiency by implementing a seamless, beginning-to-end solution that turns ideas into actions and actions into real-world advantages.
And because not many customers have an unlimited supply of capital, we do this in a way that virtually eliminates costly experiments. Before you commit hard-earned funds to a source that can't reduce track maintenance costs and increase track safety, call Railroad Solutions.
Let someone else worry about costly track maintenance experiments.
Railroad Solutions is an innovative and specialized manufacturer and distributor of single and duel component tie plugging products for wood railroad ties and sealant and repair epoxies for concrete railroad ties. The company provides an effective method to handle wood and concrete tie deficiencies and improve track maintenance through quality product applications that will save your company money every time Railroad Solutions products are used.
Railroad Solutions is focused and committed to provide our customers with the latest tie treatment technology that will enhance operations, save money and create value for the railroad industry.
From it's start in 1997, Railroad Solutions has invested thousands of hours in the laboratory to develop superior cross tie treatment technologies for the railroad industry. The tie plugging compounds for wood ties and the seat abrasions epoxies for concrete ties are quality products that serve our railroad customers well.
Railroad Solutions is a full service provider for track rehabilitation projects. Together, we supply the railroad industry all the necessary equipment, products and expertise to handle any job, anywhere.
Our Team
Walter Vizcaino
Mr. Vizcaino is one of the initial partners of Railroad Solutions. He holds a degree in Chemistry and has 38 years of experience in Civil Engineering. He has dedicated the last eight years to formulations for the railroad industry. He is a member of the AREMA Committee 30 and participates in RTA.
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Mike Raab
Vice President – Operations
Mr. Raab is one of the founding partners at Railroad Solutions. He holds a degree in Biology with an emphasis in Chemistry from Fort Lewis College. Mike’s focus has been as a formulator to the construction and railroad industries. For 24 years he has made viable and useful formulas that have benefited the end users and established Railroad Solutions as an innovative laboratory. Mr. Raab is a member of ASTM and sits on the 09 committee.
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